-Sarah Wells Lizzy Breast Pump Bag- When you’re a pumping mama, there is a lot of stuff that ends up traveling with you everywhere you go. Tubing, flanges, breast shields, storage bottles, ice packs, A PUMP… Where the heck do you put it all?
Bamboobies ® {for the shirt soaking moments}
Picture this… You’re actually alone for a bit and you’re standing in line at the grocery store. In the aisle next to you, a baby starts crying. Suddenly you get the tingly sensation, you just can’t stop the letdown reaction, and BAM… boobies turn to fountains and your shirt is soaked in the most obvious “I’m a nursing mama” way.
What’s In That Stuff? {Breast Milk 101}
What is it about breast milk that makes it so good for babies? How long do you really need to breastfeed before it’s no longer beneficial? Once a kid is eating regular foods, breastmilk serves no purpose. Right?